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Anti Aging Solution

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Anti Aging Solution

As you approach your mid twenties, the skin’s elasticity doesn’t snap back like it once did. In your thirties, you may notice a little dryness and the beginning of crow’s feet, forehead or laugh lines setting in. Sun and age spots, increasingly apparent lines, and combination or dry skin are common occurrences during your 40s. Upon hitting the 50 mark, your skin begins to sag and your complexion starts lacking luster. Also, flab may begin to accumulate during any stage.

Young looking skin in our later years can be a real boost to our self image and sense of well being. Skin treatments and rejuvenation to reverse the age clock are easier than you think! No matter what your age, your skin condition or your desired outcome, Revive Clinic is here to help nurture, restore & maintain the health of your skin.

Dr. Panktis Revive

Today, different kinds of anti-aging treatments are available ranging from basic skin care creams to surgeries. Choosing the appropriate method of treatment at the right time, by a well-experienced plays a key role in providing successful results.

Creams and topical treatments which include antioxidants, Vitamin A, C and E, alpha hydroxy acids, help a great deal in reversing the signs of aging.

To defend against moderate signs of aging, such as wrinkles around the eyes, forehead and frown lines, a minimally invasive procedure such as Botox, Fillers, Fractional Photo rejuvenation, and chemical peels could be used.

For countering moderate to severe cases of aging, highly invasive procedures such as ablative laser, high strength TCA peels, and surgery are required to yield the best results. These procedures may require significant downtime and also harbor the risk of adverse effects.